
Early career researchers developing key skills

Lita Mom and Pherom Song first became involved with the Next Generation Agricultural Extension project in July 2022 when they became employed as research project officers at Partners for Rural Development (PRD). PRD is responsible for all in-country data collection. Lita and Pherom work in a team of 8 research project officers.

Since Lita joined the project she has focused on the development of her research skills in social science research methodologies and data analysis. Before the project, Lita had worked as a field researcher and focus group discussion facilitator, however the project has deepened her knowledge and skill set through training courses focused on qualitative and quantitative data collection and analysis.

These courses gave Lita the confidence to present on the household typology ‘non-agriculture casual labour’ at the Mid-term Project Review in July 2023 at the National University of Battambang (see right image). There were representatives from 14 different agricultural focused organisations in the audience.

I understand more about critical thinking when presenting results and responding to questions asked by participants.”

Lita Mom
Lita presenting on the capacity building panel at the Mid-term Project Review (July 2023)
Lita and Pherom together with Chariya and Sinuon receive training on participatory research methods (February 2023)

Pherom’s focus, since joining the project, has been the development of his English language skills. The project has funded English language classes for all research project officers at PRD. Pherom has used these skills is producing written reports for the project, for example, a detailed village report as part of the household census and a photo diary report on a successful farmer (see images below). Pherom has gained a number of insights from undertaking the household census and has been able to communicate this knowledge in accessible formats to both academic and sector audiences.

I have learned to develop my education and capacity to become a young researcher and share knowledge with other people, also contribute to farmers and improving their livelihood.”

Pherom Song
Pherom’s photo diary report of a successful mango tree farmer (October 2022)
Pherom’s village report from Battambang Province (March 2023)

Both Lita and Pherom are valuable assets to the project and signal a strong cohort for the next generation of agricultural extension.